La Vida Sin Gatos
Santiago Alberto Ramos

A Novel with a Movie Script style. Have you eaten? This question is usually the first presentation that Cervéruz makes of himself, a young man who found in the imminence of having to become involved in the middle of the bureaucratic heritage, a way of life that could even become sustainable. A completely fictional work, where not one of its characters corresponds to real life. A completely contemporary story, it is about a very intense Political Thriller and the business of human flesh in the low worlds of perdition. In the clubs, Nights Clubs, Prostitution and Human Trafficking, full of eroticism and sensuality. With heartless and exemplary account settlements, at the hands of the mafias. The story centers on a young nerdy businessman, but the vision of him ends up hooking up some VERY DANGEROUS first-class people. An almost a horror story, due to the intensity of the images offered here. And a profound message for parents, regarding not believing that giving everything material to children is enough, you must also accompany and nurture their soul. It is also the story of an innocent young woman who offers her life for the sake of a dream of stabilizing the balance in the world, who is posthumously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
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