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Begin a profound and revealing journey that explores the very essence of the human experience. This book, Timeless Frequency, takes you into a world where the boundaries of conventional perception are blurred, and reality takes on a whole new form. You will be immersed in a dimension where the power between the mind and the cosmos is blurred, and where the ideas we explore can transform the reality we experience on this plane .

The plot develops around a unique philosophical perspective: the human projection into the very fabric of the “Timeless Frequency”. discover the energetic substance of frequencies that not only shapes our perception, but also forms the very foundation of our reality. Through deep dialogues and challenging reflections, the author unravels the secrets of this multidimensional reality, exploring how our minds influence and are influenced by this invisible web of connections.

The narrative delves into the depths of philosophy and metaphysics, exploring concepts such as the nature of time, the construction of thought, and the relationship between the mind and the universe . As the author explains the mysteries behind the constructive initiative of thought, readers are dragged into a whirlwind of ideas that defy traditional convention , where the timelessness of chronos at the very foundations of reality

is questioned . Throughout "Timeless Frequency," the pages fill with eye-opening encounters, moments of epiphany, and gripping philosophical debates that weave a tapestry of knowledge and wisdom. This book invites you to question your entrenched perceptions and beliefs, to expand your mental horizons, and to consider new possibilities about the natural connection of existence.

Ultimately, "Timeless Frequency " is much more than an intangible combination; is an intellectual experience that challenges, enlightens, and leads readers to explore the very limits of the human mind and its connection to the universe. The book reveals the spiritual key that has allowed us to recover our spiritual potential, "Timeless Frequency" is composed of a history of studies in the scientific area of internal activation.

All the experiences of "Timeless Frequency" are magnificent , they endorse this new work. Where the activation and connection are the consequence of a transcendental heritage revealed today. This world can be changed. We must understand that our identity is perfect, that we have the possibility of recovering and developing the best of us. Knowing yourself from the beginning is the great key that returns to being your identity and your ability to reverse any situation.


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detalles del producto:
  • Estado: A la venta en Bubok
  • N° de páginas: 49
  • Última actualización: 08/02/2024
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